What is cosmetic acupuncture and how does it work?
Cosmetic acupuncture (aka facial rejuvenation acupuncture), rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, is a holistic approach to rejuvenating the face. This non-invasive technique involves tiny needles specially made for the face are strategically placed to reduce signs of aging. By addressing both skin and overall well-being, cosmetic acupuncture aims to enhance your natural beauty from the inside out, offering a gentle alternative to traditional cosmetic procedures. Within the framework of TCM philosophy, the belief is that by harmonizing and treating the internal systems, a positive impact on the exterior, including the skin, can be achieved.
Benefits of cosmetic acupuncture include:
Improved collagen production
Increased blood circulation
Natural facial glow
Reduce puffiness
Muscle relaxation
Stress reduction
Reduce look of fine lines and wrinkles
Stimulates lymphatic drainage
For longer lasting results, 6-10 treatments are recommended on a weekly basis.
What to expect in my treatment
If this is your first time receiving facial acupuncture from me, please book the 75 minute Initial Facial Acupunture appointment. Follow-up treatments will be 60 minutes long and includes a double cleanse, gua sha, facial cupping, and facial massage. I strongly believe this combination of modalities and products greatly work together to enhance the effect of facial acupuncture. Expect the use of high quality non toxic skin care tailored to meet your skincare needs. This treatment is perfect for those wanting a natural, holistic alternative to botox, injections, and surgeries, and also for those looking to indulge in a luxurious self-care treatment to have a natural glow while stimulating collagen production and blood circulation.
If you are curious if this treatment is right for you, feel free to get in touch with me by email: acupuncturebycelia@gmail.com